Attorneys Attend HCBA Welcome Back Membership Reception

Here are some great photos from the Hillsborough County Bar Association‘s recent Welcome Back Membership Reception at The Vault. Sessums Black was well-represented: Alex Caballero, the current HCBA President, said a few words to the members and thanked The Bank of Tampa for sponsoring the event. Andrew D. Reder and Brian Hart also attended. Thank you to the HCBA for hosting a wonderful event!

Smiling man in business attire speaking to another man Crowd shot of a party Man wearing business attire speaking into a microphone

Sessums Black Sponsors HCBA Bench Bar Conference

Sessums Black is very proud to be a sponsor for the Hillsborough County Bar Association‘s 26th Annual Bench Bar Conference, Membership Luncheon, and Judicial Reception. This year’s theme is “Bench Bar University: Work Smarter, Not Harder.” The all-day educational conference gives attorneys, judges, and legal support staff the chance to attend an array of continuing legal education sessions on cutting-edge topics. The HCBA hosts a membership luncheon at noon and the conference ends with a Judicial Reception that gives attendees a chance to network. The event is on October 11 at the Tampa Marriott Water Street. Learn more at

Image of minarets inside a logo (Hillsborough County Bar Association)

Attorneys Attend 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala

Here are some wonderful photos of Steve Sessums and Caroline Black Sikorske during the Family Law Section of The Florida Bar‘s 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala, which took place on August 26 in Naples. Both attorneys are former chairs of the Section; Steve served from 1981–1983 and Caroline served from 2002–2003.

Thank you to Family Law Section Chair Sarah Kay, a former attorney at our firm, for sharing the Gala pictures, and thank you to the Section for hosting the fabulous event!
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